“DON’T Die out of the FLIGHT FEAR of DYING, make certain that you are DEAD before you embrace the DEATH.” SIGNED Terry Dwayne Ashford RM347

used for StreetNOW News reporting from RM347 by Terry Dwayne Ashford

Written and produced by Terry Dwayne Ashford, Son of Wilma, of Room three 47, for T S N Broadcasting and for Tweet Station News, both which are TatMedia WilmaWaine Companies.

Scared Yet? voice of Terry Dwayne Ashford Reporting From Room Number 347, Extended Stay America Hotel Tysons Corner Vienna VA – produced managed directed broadcasted and Reporting by Terry Dwayne Ashford of ROOM NUMBER 347. Scared Yet BITCH!

by line of Terry Dwayne Ashford
byline of Terry Dwayne Ashford

Reporting is Terry Dwayne Ashford from Room 347, Produced and Written by Terry Dwayne Ashford of Extended Stay America Hotel Tysons Corner Viennia Virginia for Reporting on November 6th, delivered on November 7th, 2022 from Room 347

Everyday you are shown who they are even coming near you as a person.  We are discussing the observations of heart attacks during the attacks that are similar to those you have seen tried on ME.   Heart Attacks of healty black people having no other symptons of such.    

Did you know that a person who falls from heights of buildings have been documented as dying before the person hits the ground?  Attributed to heart attacks, the death stems from the FEAR of the fall before hitting the ground.   


We are LOOKING into the FACES of MURDERERS – Stone COLD MURDERERS of race in SNEAK mode here.   

We are looking at stone cold murderers who watches people as prey and KILLS – by knowing what they are doing.     At this keystroke the WHITE REFRIGERATOR popped on at 714 AM EST TIME and was unplugged.   

The sound of it popping on sounds of urgency to re-direct something that is FOUND which is truth, and that has been associated with information about the crimes which they as criminals sees as damaging to their overall plot to succeed.     

The refrigerator was UNPLUGGED, as it popped on to recover from the documentation that WE ARE DEALING with OUTRIGHT MURDERERS.   

The sought Moment that gives the death is the combination of FEAR in the levels of Terrorism which comes in an extreme Shock time frame – that would replicate the feeling of falling off a cliff.     And that gives the targeted person death, from the terrorized SHOCK.    There you have your Heart Attack.     

And there you have your murderers assocated with the watching inside the hotel for these points and there you have all your assocated crimes along with the ones that said they wanted you – LIARS all around the blocks about you – creating obstruction of JUSTICE.     That includes the staff of the Murderous plan that placed people to follow you inside the hotel.   The LEADERSHIP is the Murderers using the vicinity where they thought the instructions and the instructors are aimed at the results of MURDER.  

NOW you look at the staffing plan who would have done all of that and are just WAITING.   But waiting to get themselves Murdered instead in this case.   

Replication of the shock Terrorism has been denoted as when it comes in the sleep of the individual.    The drop which replicates the falling from the building resulted in my sleep that gave the feeling of the void of falling from the sky while waking up amiss that feeling.    

That would be the terror which is embedded in the body deep within having endured the crimes for so long.    That terror done consistently then happens timed with the deepest sleep and waking up in the drop or the fall of the blood pressure which SHOCKS the body and gives it the Heart Attack that KILLS replicating that of Falling from a building and dying before hitting the ground.  

WE ARE LOOKING in the FACES of STONE COLD KILLERS when you even SPEAK to one of the Honker WHORES.    

The measuring of terror or fear in degrees  can not get greater than falling from the building.    To replicate such as the falling from the building comprise of the time length of carrying out the crimes upon the targeted person and that time length comprises of the OBSTRUCTION of the Person’s LIFE to Justice to find ways to sustain his and her life – TARGETED by the WHITE WOMEN from behind the scenes first.   

The weak fight behind the scenes inside the mulberry bushes is the one fight of the KILLERS as we have analyzed the terror that is most NOT controlled are those that happens in the victims sleeping when the victims are relaxed and unsuspecting of the terror.     

That is when the FALL happens, from the blood pressure while sleeping and the person wakes up amiss the scariest momen of his or her life and then the WHITEY knows what they have done.   

And they, the murderers, all keep that a secret.    

I have the answers how to avoid those drops in blood pressures which replicates falling from a building in one’s sleep.   When that desention occurs in the GNAT sneak formation, the results sneak up on the body to have created the jerking of the heart out of the chest represented by the biological body part (the HEART) to react to that tragedy which hits the body.    

The HEART reacts to the same Blood Levels and Blood Pressure desenction as the one that the exact same body would encounter if the person was falling from the height of a building.   

The obstruction of the targeted person’s life through jobs was aimed to have created infractions against the blood circulation in the body that creates blood pressure reaction of a fall from the building but happens as the person is walking or sleeping and not expecting it.   

I noticed the dizziness of the head when I thought of not having a job for so long and not having funding to take care of my self.   I also notice the amp’ing up of the CRIMES around me when I have shown the pressure may have touched deeper within my body that occurred in the night when it cannot be controlled by my conscious.     

The waking up has shown the levels of fright when a person is caught unguarded as if having fallen from a building.     The most profound specifics of that is the airy feeling while laying in the bed waking up that replicates the blood pressures response to falling off a building.       

For me, I noticed the ability to pull that sudden feeling of terror about the potental, pulling it together in my brains before the airy feeling and the blood pressure drops too low and through that knowlege, while falling I pull myself together and avoid hitting the ground of death which would have only been in my mind.  

The fall.  YEAP.   The falling unsuspectingly, and thinking you are about to crash, could see the heart attack before the crashing to the ground even occurs.     

Medically documented by incidents of bungee jumping, which was the suggestion even shown by the niece who went through the exercise.   

The untimed inapproprioteness of addressing your own fears in their most heightened forms could lead to the panic attacks that sees the blood drops and other parts of the body responds – that includes the HEART giving the HEART ATTACK that kills.   

We are LOOKING AT THE STONE COLD MURDERERs that has ROYALLY FAILED in their own attacks aimed at KILLING.   

And our ORDERS is to pinpint each and every last ONE and GIVE them what they have TRIED to GIVE to US.   The most heinous criminals are the OBSTRUCTORS of Justice of Innocent People’s LIVES leading us to the WHITEST and Whiter WOMEN, to take our AIMS upon reviewing their actions – in validating appropriate actions are taken in countering the WHOREs as Suspects.   

Reporting is Terry Dwayne Ashford, from ROOM 347, Extended Stay America Hotel Tysons Corner, Vienna Virginia USA at 8201 Old Courthouse Road, Tysons Corner, Vienna Virginia, 22182.    

Take a look at the ones placed inside the hotel in particularly assigned rooms.   

Take a look at the motives of motion while inside the hotel that shows the colllaboration that What was said is a HOTEL, is NOT a hotel and a line from LIARS.     

Hotels takes people mostly of strangers who do not know each other during the temporary stay.  A Hotel would not be a housing for the same individuals who knocks on the doors of the others as if they all are in-kahoots in a crime together.    But that is exactly what we have documented being placed around Terry Dwayne Ashford’s room 347, at the extended Stay America Hotel Tysons Corners.  

We are looking at the changed positioning but are all the same in relations to the room 347 on this Tuesday November 8th, morning where vehicles at the window of Terry Dwayne Ashford are all the same but positioned differently.    

The black chrysler underneath, the black mercedes moved up, the silver toyota, in the identified parking space, the trailer in the same location, the black pickup at the endpoint again, the white mercedez at the opposite endpoint- a different porshe with drive out tag and the same Asian walking timed with the white doodle, The returned GREY Toyota SUV tagged “8PAF” parked beside the white mercedes driven by the same occupant at least once stashed in the room right next to the alleged targeted prey on alleged RACE attacks that thought they were bad altogether and got counter attacks, and the parallel to the window of a GREY Sedan vehicle that may be the GREY BMW Sedan parked at forward parked at the school building parallel to Terry Dwayne Ashford’s room 347 Window.     These are the obserations at 758 AM on this Tuesday Morning November 8th, from the night before.    timed at this doucmentation rushed the WHITE PICKUP truck that wanted to appear to have been there already which just arrived at the KEYSTROKE done on this computer timed at 758 AM EST TIME one minute while keystroking came the WHITE PICKUP who seemed to have been waiting. 

The white pickup parked at 758 AM EST TIME TIMED with the keystroking done in room 347 by the black male reporter, where the crimes of RACE was posing to have succeeded at RACISM and have failed and will be shown their own DEATHS instead in the end.   

One instance is what you need to see that is pertinent to the crimes and that is at 757 AM when keystroking the GREY sedan parked at the door of the school building parallel to the window where this reporting is coming from of RM347 by StreetNOW News, that grey sedan which was denoted could have been the GREY BMW documented on Sunday Morning timed with the Asian Services and the Broadcast by me,  the GREY car was parked there alone.   

But at 758, after keystroking the update that took less than a minute, terry dwayne ashford reviewed the scene again and one minute after the white pickup had parked right next to the grey sedan giving an entirely different scene.   

The same activity occurred using the Caucasion man linked to propped door 333 on the third floor hallway and leaving in the toyota camry on November 7th, then having returned timed within less than minutes, when the door was seen and documented propped open to the room 333 in the correlation to the room 347 where Terry Dwayne Ashford was reporting.   

The grey toyota left and parked right back into the same spot parking location and parking space same as the white truck we have seen this morning.    

The imaging would use the leaving park of that action to have spliced into the crimes to have posed someone else for the WHITE CRIMES.   And that is WHITE in correlations to the GREY, working CRIMES to have tried to frame their actions of crimes on a targeted person that has been CAUGHT.    

Same as the Detectives of TVT-5441 and that time was the WHITE WOMAN that followed and had done the exact same during Terry Dwayne Ashford’s reporting investigation that apprehended the tag number of the texas parked tralier under neath his room window.  

At 808 AM the white truck parked in the parking lot next to the grey sedan, LEFT after snooping and seeing that we saw him arrive too one minute after the GREY Sedan was documented at 757 AM.   

757 AM – STREETNOW NEWS Terry Dwayne Ashford noted the GREY Sedan replicating the arrival of the GREY SEDAN that was a BMW on Sunday timed with the Asian invasion so they thought that transferred work from room 347 to room 350 then to room 333 and then to the GREY Lexus parked in that parallel position to the room number 333, parked next to the Hispanic of the Black Pickup – gotten from Sunday in you load videos.   WE ARE THERE

759 AM – STREETNOW NEWS Terry Dwayne Ashford noted through keystroke that is believed being watched by an insider of the hotel, we observed the rush back end parking of the white open bed pickup.  

808 AM – STREETNOW NEWS Terry Dwayne Ashford noted the time of the alerting seeing the keystrokes from inside the building from the insider of crimes alleged – and that informatoin having been channeled to the driver of the white truck which seems to be coming directly from the police station if there is one hidden from that direction of all the crime units stashed at a cell – seeing that we saw it, the white pickup truck left timed at 808 AM EST TIME, which came specifcally for a falsification of an image that we have under raps already.   

STREETNOW NEWS Terry Dwayne Ashford noted “our team is ready to show this HOED RACISTS who they ARE right on their supposed TURF which isn’t theirs anyways, having done the exact same activities to have even stolen that land.”  WE are there.  

Reporting is Terry Dwayne Ashord, the son of the alledged assassinated Wilma, who is the occupant of the Room 347, where the crimes have tried to setup Identity Falsifications, to have taken his identity after the CRIME had succeeded in death disposed of his body which has FAILED.    The CRIMEs was assigning those white people who would have posed as Terry Dwayne Ashford after his heart attack death which has failed them royally.  

During panics, the first thing you do is BREATH, take in AIR, and accept the possibility of the Thumping hitting of a Surface, and that avoid pre-maturely DYING by the HEART ATTACK in flight.    

The heart attacks planned appears to be the death of an impact of death, which may not even occur since you are amidst a faked flight falling from a sky which is just deeply embedded terror planned for killing you.   Well BOO, look like you are the one that will be KILLED in this case.   

Another assembliage of this fear conquer was one of an electronic assumbliation experienced in the smoky mountains.    

In that assemblelation the fear of flight falling was done in a dark room of just sitting inside of roller coaster type chairs that was simply swung back and forth remaining attached to the floors of the room.   The flight was created by darkness of the room giving whirling images of falling from the plane into the airy sky as the latchs of the chairs were unleashed creating the terror of bungee jumping from the sky.  

I felt like I had falling from a plane but was still sitting in the chair strapped.   Timed the lights came on timed with the blood pressure dropping that felt like I was going to die.  

The key is “DON’T Die out of FEAR of DYING, make certain that you are DEAD before you embrace the DEATH.”  Make sure you have hit the ground before you declare yourself DEAD.   DO NOT DIE in the flight of FEAR or TERROR, for it too may be a FAKE.   

Terry Dwayne Ashford Terry Dwayne Ashford, RM347 reporting the findings of HARD CORE STONE COLD KILLERS aiming at a PLOY that got them CAUGHT killing People. From RM347, Extended Stay America Hotel Tysons Corner, Vienna Virginia, at 8201 Old Court House Road, 22182.

That fake aims at the body to react on its own and delivered Murder of your soul for the CRIMES.   And for me, the CRIMES have LOST.    


Published by TWEET STATION NEWS by TERRY DWAYNE ASHFORD, Washington DC StreetNOW with DatguyRADIO|DatguyTV

Terry dwayne Ashford is the indacarseat DatGuY leading TWEET STATION NEWS, a derivation of StreetNOW, with entities of NEWS, Sports "Tennis Specifically", Fashion, Home Beautiful, and Beau Style by DatgeeTV (DatGuY Television). An entity of TATMedia WilmaWaine Companies, INC; Terry Dwayne Ashford is also your Tennis Specifically Commentator Broadcaster of SNnews Sports "Tennis Specifically".

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