Proof is here in your eyes just in case u lost

used for StreetNOW News reporting from RM347 by Terry Dwayne Ashford

Proof is here in your eyes just in case u lost

Reporting by Terry Dwayne Ashford From Room Number 347 Extended Stay America Hotel Tysons Corner Vienna VA reporting returned back to the room at 120 PM EST Time on Friday November 4, 2022.

Makes no sense of Honky Crimes.

We have the documented rooms and the Asian employee again and the Hispanics rushing into the hotel and even parking behind the African driver – talking on the phone in the black male wiping his mouth and sucking on a cough drop in audible formation. White women Whiteness slits hoping to be bad in matching black Camry and gonna give one exactly what one might want. Blubbering and all!

White WHOREs have to be shown on their Hoggy Blubbering meat. Bitch honky I will GUT your flab off your bellybutton! Nicely! I will beat this white hoe to death in the middle of a goddamn street.

Reporting is StreetNOW NEWS on the observations while doing my shit. Going yo do it on your white ass HONKY PoePoe Hoe! Right in your hoe face!

And bash this WHORE!

Thanks Scott.

That’s journalism bitch.

This goddamn Honky Faggit Downlow Shit Is a Goddamn Disgust – my shut is already arranged – I don’t talk to strangers and deal in no streets. That is not what I do.

Never will.

Fucking Honky plantation.Whores – I have said to this HONKY police department who I am and I will Prove that to this HONKY in his honky Ploys.

And that is what I plan to do. To prove to this honky who I am! Nicely!

This honky is a Disgust to have developed something like this on racism around the world.

But guess what see how I am handing them with grace and assertiveness to put this shit curler in its place.

Nicely and with respect. You step wrong and get wrongly handled simple as that!

This honky is so disgusting it feels Disgusting to be on a soil managed by honky racism in even blacks from even abroad.

I feel it even doing my business.

For this honky slit that thinks she is in a gang – BITCH I will GUT that Blubber off your belly right in the middle of the street. Nicely on this Whore heaving In Heat for Greed Killings and breeding. I will gut This Honky after smashing that slit braids.

With a smile on my face.

That is journalism bitch. Do you! And I am waiting for one wrong violation.

This HONKY is a shit case all over the world. To me.

Scott saved the whole race.

There you go. The Uber said he would wait and hot out went inside and he left immediately.

We already expected it that is why Scott was waiting for the callback.

This him right there this Hispanic ploy. Same one that signaled to the Driver – as if it matters.

I snuck and signed with the head jerk saying go for it bigbflab daddy go for it.

And that is what it was all about.

We are okay with all that but try your shit on someone else. And fuckers like Wilma and Waine gonna win.

Suxk it BITCH – my throat hurts!

LoL I am a BITCH’er Faggit than any flqbgy WHORE!
Nicely done and cuter.

Suck it diseased mutha Fucka. In the streets they say Diseased dicks have worms coming out of them anyways. Whew. Eat that spaghetti going down your throat!


Like I care. NOPE. Not at all BITCH-.

New Uber came and feels alot better. The driver doesn’t seem like a honky fucker and isn’t looking around for ass of other drivers.

I hate those kinds of people and like dealing with class people. Bitch I don’t like no goddamn honky Lover or no Honky arrogance! You a Twerker or what? BITCH, I see you at the club right now get that shit away from me.

Leave Them There.

I have nothing else to say. You don’t bring shit around my life that I have seen and stayed gracefully away in civility all my life.

You don’t do that in being arrogant like you know better about my life than I do.

I have always wanted a peaceful living standard with someone who made my dick hard. There is no way I would be sitting up having waited all these years on my own stricter structure to be looking in the face of something I don’t want. Fuck this HONKY! And I don’t Fuck anything. And further more – I ain’t giving all I have saved to no Honky arrogance or prostitute in white black whore or hag – Thieving in plantation management! NOPE.

Do what the Fuck this honky want.

I am gonna wine and dine the fucker BITCH that want – and that I like knowing all I have done to be who I am.

And I am gonna Fuck by brains out with someone that I want to not someone a PoeHoe wants me to give my Reserved riches to. Fuck this HOED PIMPED OUT PoePoe classless shallow Prostitute!

And I am not the one that would be stressed out in the end – it will be this HOE.

The big N8GGERS are the ones the Honkys got mixed up in their crimes. Balance out the honky physical weaknesses- business wise is why the honker goes for the biggest. All good bitch – got something for you and the biggies.

I am still committed to Scott. And that is who I would want to be my beneficiary if something happened to me. And that has nothing to do with a Fuck.

Listen at my professional ways of doing things – those Honkies have always wanted me to act more like a N8GGER and trained the blacks at HBCUs to trade with honky asses.

I saw that in the frats at Memphis State at times when the fraternity was picking and picking at me.

I declined all of them being some of all.

They thought I was foo classy. And goddamn I guess I am! Fuck that hoe.

And yeah I twerk when I want to in the right place. I don’t twerk a baboon ass up in the day light – ruining my creditability as a Journalist to be trusted.

FUCK that whore shit.

We don’t live like that. And no one has to watch us to make sure we stay with who we are committed to. That’s for Whores. I stay where I am supposed to be because we have chose to be there! Fuck Off Blubber Cake shit ass! You a Faggit whore or what!

You little BITCHes bug tall black Daddio with a ocean butt hole. On the Sneak Sneak.

See the Faggits think when you are professional you are naive and gullible and can be taken advantage of – and got WILMA and Waine. BITCH. I am smarter than you and will bust your shit for you. Nicely and no I am not raising my voice either. When you ready let me know slut!

All that big mouth yipping yapping shit about nothing!

Yeah yeah yeah. Are we there yet hoe? Slick Honky yeah yeah yeah – now what you see – what in the Fuck you talking about – pissing me off – what in the hell you trying to say with all your goddamn illogical illegitimate kids you talking about.

You need a baby mama or something? Fuck Off! Get you a N8GGER Whore!

Leave this hoed out trafficker there!

All your big ole trafficking and trafficked Faggits and WHOREs.

All your low class shit right out in the streets of people eyes.

Goddamn DIRT.

All this goddamn DIRT. Fucking Dirt Cases of SPICKs. Slick SPICK Mafia ordeals! Of diseased WHOREism for money.

Shows you who cares about that shit.

My life is reserved for someone who I love or who makes me feel good during my time here on earth. It is not for some whore of Honkies to pay their bills with stealing from other people.

My life would benefit those i want to see cared for. And that start with goes to those who care for me especially in time of need.

There is no way I would share my life reserves with a Whore of White Honkies.

I will DUMP the shit and not gain at all. And I won’t live unhealthy in fat N8GGER Blubbering Sleezy Hoggy shit – so Tarzan’s and look like the ones in tanks.

The N8GGERS are rewarded for being obese and unhealthy to tank the image to Honky. Get over your honky PoePoe Plantation Trades of Tarzan’s that ain’t even strong or straight! Mere mere mocking us.

Even Scott has been saying that to me about him all of a sudden gaining a Harvard Degree since he met me POSTO suddenly – probably without his even knowing it. Lies just like Sofia –

God damn Mafia Situationally Hoed Out- intelligence Fraud Cases of Hell.

Published by TWEET STATION NEWS by TERRY DWAYNE ASHFORD, Washington DC StreetNOW with DatguyRADIO|DatguyTV

Terry dwayne Ashford is the indacarseat DatGuY leading TWEET STATION NEWS, a derivation of StreetNOW, with entities of NEWS, Sports "Tennis Specifically", Fashion, Home Beautiful, and Beau Style by DatgeeTV (DatGuY Television). An entity of TATMedia WilmaWaine Companies, INC; Terry Dwayne Ashford is also your Tennis Specifically Commentator Broadcaster of SNnews Sports "Tennis Specifically".

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