By Any Means Necessary, 8PAF-Representing a Crimed White Male Driver of a Grey Toyota SUV Parked: Trying to SNEAK A Falsified Contact To Me in Room Number 347 TATMEDIA WilmaWaine Companies named Terry Dwayne Ashford!

Door Near The Targeted TERRY DWAYNE ASHFORD room Number 347 was propped open as occupants left – that had to be a scheme seen by surveillance and Audio reported here.

Byline of Terry Dwayne Ashford RM347
FABLine'E Fashion Terry Dwayne Ashford RM347, a Tatmedia WilmaWaine Co, Inc Photo #CEO Terry Dwayne AshfordTerry Dwayne Ashford from Room 347 Statement from Terry Dwayne Ashford, CEO TatMedia WilmaWaine on Transvestism In lieu of findings and on Man Lovers of Man- unacceptable and should not be the Norm when one Looks at a Man! Song Truth Is A Lie by Srsoul for DatguyRadio Terry Dwayne Ashford CEO and Author of this StreetNOW News

Reporting by Terry Dwayne Ashford from Room Number 347, Extended Stay America HOTEL TYSONS Corner Vienna VA on October 9th, Sunday, 2022.

“I did not wake up in the most great place this morning. Getting out of the bed I feel the threats that sent me to validate the tag number of the gray Toyota SUV parked in front of my window.”

How more dangerous could such as this not called a destruction be but is just that, to have strange people seen once a stranger then found following you inside the hotel only to have been itching all around the room you are in to get closer to your room to have ended up finally right next door to a door that swings so close to your that the room number 345 could now be posed as your room Number 347- where the Snucked gray Toyota SUV Driven by the same man is parked at your window?

The entering into the room next door is gang related to have justified the white man’s parking at your window number 347 to pose the door action of room Number 345 as my room number 347 TATMEDIA WilmaWaine Companies!

There is no greater danger and the tag number has been identified at “8PAF236”

With tagged 42389_ _ California, another white male in yet another gray Toyota Truck with a Open bed seen signaling yesterday- and that white male was waiting inside the vehicle truck parked at the end corner of of the middle of the hotel parking lot parallel backed in in front of a middle window same as the one parked at my window 🪟 and sat and waited for my movement on this morning inside room number 347.

All GAY white men as deemed inappropriate to have tried to sneak made contact with the physics via the room window of me inside the room number 347.

There is Not such a threat to anyone’s life.

8PAF236 then another gray Toyota Truck of a weak white man of sickness that is too weak to even be entertained as a man in my life even for walking around in public spaces.

I would not be caught dead in the image of mingling in public in the image of the multiracial sights that I have seen publicly of a weak diseased white man in cahoots lying to the public by even being in the image of interracial nastiness shown in public spaces.

I would not be caught dead in public mingling with one. And you have the black N8GGER FAGGIT the bad ass black dude changing positions when one comes around in public eyes unable to control themselves.

A black N8GGER is a Faggit N’ickGGER disgust seeking white men and cannot control himself in public spaces.

The black Male N8GGER has touched a Faggit Honky who has mocked a N8GGER.

I find them all a disgrace disgust!–8PAF-Representing-a-Crimed-White-Male-Driver-of-a-Grey-Toyota-SUV-Parked-Trying-to-SNEAK-A-Falsified-Contact-To-Me-in-Room-Number-347-TATMEDIA-WilmaWaine-Companies-named-Terry-e1p0otb

By Any Means Necessary, Crimed White Male Driver of a Grey Toyota SUV Parked: Trying to SNEAK A Falsified Contact To Me in Room Number 347 TATMEDIA WilmaWaine Companies named Terry Dwayne Ashford – reporting from inside room number 347 on October 9th, 2022 began by “Gotta Little Help on the Inside” of what is a PoePoe Classless DiggerHoe FAGGIT White Male!

The white male has been moved by hotel staff all around the targeted room number 347 TATMEDIA WilmaWaine Companies to do something as low honky styled as carried out a crime if of nothing else then to have tried to pose a white male as Terry Dwayne Ashford to have indirectly pose a honky white male as Terry Dwayne Ashford of TATMEDIA WilmaWaine Companies StreetNOW NEWS Inc. This honky is as flabby as the honky appears in all of public space. This FAGGIT!

As Terry Dwayne Ashford from Room Number 347, TATMEDIA WilmaWaine Companies StreetNOW NEWS having been raised by aristocrat and did his own work to have avoided the mental slavery shown in studying his own work as a product of Mississippi – ensuring himself to never be part of such crimes even indirectly – seeing them all along the way being born in such a state that was battling racists and the reputation is such as a burning Mississippi – this don of WILMA that left those people of Mississippi and their illiterate ways – immediately as turned of age – would see a honky so deep under his grave buried alive that a black N8GGER seen as mingling with one in public space is assured to be a black N8GGER FAGGIT!

Such As that Do Not Talk To Me.

As a Mississippian black person, we know business interactions that are not healthy for the public space shown as racism in public spaces and have learned to avoid the image. That imagery is what the PoeHoe of this area has tried to use to recruit N8GGERS hoped to have done that publicly hiding the honky hunt for N8GGERS for the secret purposes to suck off sexually.

All done in public shared spaces – Mississippians can see this N8GGER Muslim in urbanization of the architecture environment of blacks in racism against their own black skin that is most likely the most uneducated, who sneak are seeking the same venue as the blacks in the lowest special education classes of the Mississippi classrooms that never pass a course – and those are usually the poorest N8GGER that sold his body in hopes of getting a life on the Roots Plantation as Ms Dich as Kizzy and a Chicken George in Massa Sir of Services the N8GGERS get offended by being called as they are “indentured servitude of a slave”. That is what the N8GGER being defied of that part of education their own life experiences in school of the urban area where the school curriculum defies the N8GGERS strategically for such ploys.

The urbanization training of us in independent areas of the world surpassed the education training of these N8GGERS in these urban areas of political ploys that the N8GGERS in these most direct disguised mobocracy states and areas of cities – comprise of blacks who don’t even have enough education to see what the honker has done to them. Just as Expected by manipulating education curriculum in schools that defied the blacks of the educational training to see.

All that in cahoots in education classrooms about what part of the course to teach this one vs what part to withhold from that class – the N8GGERs seems blinded by what they DON’T even know.

The setup from whites that relied on education shown in the eyes of Mississippian aristocracy sees even a whiter remediable smile at N8GGERs from way across the way to detect “there is one right there and he is targeting that one!”.

It is such a sick ordeal pre-Meditated of the whites in the area who aren’t diggers or products of the education training of the politically ployed classroom curriculums.

In Mississippi Independent Politically Trained we all understand the value of knowing yourself as pre-emptively loving your self and your family and even embracing your own SKIN. –

We know that even in the multiracial sights of urbanization of the urban planning that has even embedded into classrooms.

A person raised in these areas would strategically only know that which has been designed for his political ployed classroom which defies him and her particulars of his educational course work and that is fine purposefully.

And in the end, you have those blinded by their own selves and the education that they themselves had been defied on the political landscape – are the most aggressive, the ignorant, Arrogantly flight in the delusional heads of the blacks placed to fight the whiter man ploys – same as apes in a zoo.

What you have showing all over the city and the area is education deficiency sided by political ploys where this side was defied this part of the whole part of education and that side was defied the other side – fighting against each other.

That is what you have when a Mississippian trained un-inhibitedly sees it all. As a manner of fact- it is the education training that has blocked all the ploys aiming at the wrong one.

The N8GGERs are fighting and don’t know – but are told that they do – all being led by the PoeHoe schemes that knows what part of the educational training that the participants had been given knowing also which part the participants also would fail at because they were taught it.

Example: the crimes know when he has one that add 2 plus 2 to make it add out to be four.

That much is known by the PoeHoe schemes giving the instructions – and that is why they failed against a black male journalist Broadcaster with much of his education training being independent like the Perot Federal Government Services of the Dell Computers opened it’s doors because of such as Terry Dwayne Ashford and then closed its services also because of Terry Dwayne Ashford.

The black person who was defied training in such areas needed to see them – was pulled out of those very areas to avoid the blacks who had been targeted – learn and defy the hoes.

Due to education, the blacks would embrace the crime not knowing it is crime – and the biggest ones would feel strong enough as would an ape of a jungle to fight for it meaning the crimes in this predicament.

All on the knowledge that we see this repositioning if tagged vehicle 8paf236 California Tag of the Grey Toyota SUV parked in front of Terry Dwayne Ashford’s Room Window 🪟 ⭕ circling back and around again in Spick formation – on Sunday morning October 9, 2022 and sat there throughout the Saturday night October 8th having setup the imaging ploy by appearing to had been placed inside room number 345 – next door to the targeted room and the person of room Number 347 TATMEDIA WilmaWaine Companies on the exact same side of the hallway that had hoped to use the door swinging to have transposed the real InDaCarSeat DatGuy Terry Dwayne Ashford from. The white one with black dyed hair phasing in the DatGuy Laughloud that was reported by the real InDaCarSeat DatGuy Terry Dwayne Ashford for disturbances placed in all the surrounding rooms. Sneak sneak

That is nothing but ignorance of the poeHOED out Faggit Honky wanting a N8GGER and got ME instead!

Even those that studied their curriculum studied the wrong things based on the steering via politics. And police – as believed – coloring books of laws when politics is not even law.

Like a Digger would not know a civil case of not a jail cell not even by placing words that would perplex such an uneducated person.

A civil claim is not a jail able offense unless the criminals – the real Criminals – tried to develop a crime association – which has tried using Scott’s purchases for me, Terry Dwayne Ashford – of the knowledge base around the news that has beaten the crimes.

Sneak sneak, shit sluts handled like a pro – of a gogo gigolo pole dancer! The PoePoe!

LoL it is really funny what you are seeing.

And guess what whether it is PoePoe or not- reasonable judgement of the sane mind said say so! It looks like it whether it is or not!

And that fact alone warrants vigilance by the defense.

Get away from me and my room HOE! Hoed out all over again. You are dumb FAGGITs because your training modules were completed to have given all the necessary information.

I am not such as an On’Go who buys into crimes on even education training or sex trafficking both work together.

On’Go would be seen as was in racism at the tennis courts whether he was or not – and that destroyed our friendship same as it should have!

The N8GGER did not have enough knowledge being called sense enough to have roamed the earth following me Terry Dwayne Ashford with an accomplice named even underdog driving to locations following me Terry Dwayne Ashford to have got white men.

Yeah Terry Dwayne Ashford saw that. That is why Terry Dwayne Ashford from Room Number 347, TATMEDIA WilmaWaine Companies has not entertained such as a On’Go ever since.

Sincerely yours – you N8GGERs nothing shit slit! Both you and underdog. Any more gray vans, underdog, picking up white men with hairy white asses? Yeah I saw the shit case of the dread head N8GGER shit slut of a N8GGER slave in Whiteness.

And such as a N8GGER wanted to compete with me in blubber at that.

I hate the N8GGER dumbness. Don’t come near me.

Asian shit slut went into the mocking room number 342 and or 344 timed at 11 AM EST Time – Asian of Hispanic Women shit slut! Who are just as deprived as the N8GGER- not knowing we all that the indigenous person is trying – having minimum wage and minimized education which makes them think they are getting a lift and maybe even be the source of giving them the impression that they are winning but losing.

As designed their education training would not see them the capabilities to even know the difference!

Their only learned source of all of their knowledge is politically based cheat sheets that managed their knowledge. They fight for what they don’t even know – as designed by known by us.

UDB-5898 Blue vehicle under the room number 347 window 🪟 was simply trying to catch up and even trying to keep up – using distraction to have tried to intervened in the room reporting about them. See what we know! You were educated dependently on your political party. Such As Terry Dwayne Ashford was trained and even learned on the Whole.

That is how he sees you. He knows that you don’t even know based on the education you have been afforded. Yeap and smiles at your sneak messages that means shit slut to him. Yeap another one.

Even the indigenous people brings their knowledge based on remedial PoeHoe Trafficking Monkey World ways that was handled through out independent education training and that coupled with Journalism’s training of even perspectives – gives Terry Dwayne Ashford your little target the unfettered sight to see you as would a witchcraft doll man would have thought only he could have won and lost too.

Poof. Abra Kadabra! Is that witchcraft or just knowing bitch?


Get your dirt ass in order! Hold on – I believe I wanna break dance. LoL on that one at the least.

Get your Fag hag ass away from me slit. knock knock!

Whose there? ME, watching you. LoL hehehehehe haaaaaaaaa. Read a book bitch and get a life!

Your way isn’t working for you!

Example of the indigenous weakness- so hoe do you think dampness gets inside a tightly closed glass jar used to store the sugar overflow of a bag or caned grained into particles without dampness at all? Ah?

When the sugar jar was seen entered and even some of it disappeared when two jars were filled to the rim with enough sugar left from the punctured bag to have required throwing the rest away?

So how my dear indigenous person does the sugar inside that jar Clumps up? LoL

And the clumping occurred from the parts that was missing from the top? LoL

Was there something some indigenous housekeeper placed mixed in with the sugar boo- that causes these strange interdisciplinary reactions that appears chemical based?

LoL yeah we see you then and see you now! Knocked Knock – whose there?

Me- watching such as you who learned on remedial PoeHoe standards of a cheat sheet!

See you BOO – noticed the milk isn’t even bought in refrigerated milk jugs anymore? Waste of money when you have to throw out all that isn’t drank completely in one setting.

Waste of money and time and food with even a goddamn housekeeper posed to have sneaked services of a white whore even around you.

LoL shush. Okay Mom.

Mom are you black like me because some people said you were white like them. Are you really my mother? Lol sneak sneak

Funny Whores to me.

Published by TWEET STATION NEWS by TERRY DWAYNE ASHFORD, Washington DC StreetNOW with DatguyRADIO|DatguyTV

Terry dwayne Ashford is the indacarseat DatGuY leading TWEET STATION NEWS, a derivation of StreetNOW, with entities of NEWS, Sports "Tennis Specifically", Fashion, Home Beautiful, and Beau Style by DatgeeTV (DatGuY Television). An entity of TATMedia WilmaWaine Companies, INC; Terry Dwayne Ashford is also your Tennis Specifically Commentator Broadcaster of SNnews Sports "Tennis Specifically".

Discover more from StreetNOW - TWEET STATION NEWS (TSN T'Vee) by StreetNOW-Tennis Specifically Also of StreetNOW SPORTS Tennis Center - with Entities of News, Sports, Beauty and Beau Style

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