Winning The Finals: Pre-Match Analysis of the Ladies French Open Finals Swiatek vs Gauff from RM347, Extended Stay America Hotel Tysons Corner, Terry Dwayne Ashford

wp-1654227099207 Used for Datguy Radio cover on June 2nd, 2022 by Terry Dwayne Ashford of Room 347 Extended Stay America Hotel Tysons Corner Vienna Virginia USA Linked to:

by Terry Dwayne Ashford of Rm347, Extended Stay America Hotel Tysons Corner Vienna Virginia United States of America Terry Dwayne Ashford Reporting from room 347 Extended Stay America Hotel Tysons Corner Vienna Virginia USA

Terry Dwayne Ashford from Rm347 Pre-Match Finals Analysis Gauff vs Swiatek French Open 2022 Roland Garros June 3rd, 2022

Terry Dwayne Ashford of Room 347Terry Dwayne Ashford from Rm347 Pre-Match Finals Analysis Gauff vs Swiatek French Open 2022 Roland Garros June 3rd, 2022
Terry Dwayne Ashford Reporting from room 347 Extended Stay America Hotel Tysons Corner Vienna Virginia USA
Terry Dwayne Ashford Reporting
no Nick could ever be a son of Wilma with 50 kids roaming the earth, having sided with the crimes and aided the frankinstein reproduction of CLONES of bad blood... Sick Cases of Hell to the real ones.     Bad blood being replicated what could that bad blood be of?  Could it be diseases too?  GEEZ is not Christmas even without the Charisma.   His even comes across a FAKE - get it out of my face, you are STRAIGHT remember.... BE that!   GOSH LOW CLASS is too much and deteriorating the EARTH.
No Nick of a Dick can be a Son of Wilma Classed OUT! How DARE members of the same LOWEST CLASSED OUT Loser appear even to be LIKE the REAL and the Authentic LOVE that Created the EARTH, that Nurtured the EARTH and its People, That REIGNS and LOVE us ALL – HOWWWWWWWW DARRRRREEEEEEE YOU! What a YUCK of a Moment to SEE in one’s EYES!

This news is written by Terry Dwayne Ashford of room 347, extended stay America hotel Tysons Corners, of Vienna Virginia, USA. This news is written with observation of the hallway being used as suspected to pose work done inside room 347 occupied by Terry Dwayne Ashford as the occupant , to individuals in the hallway outside the door. This activity appears having been done using the parking right outside of Terry Dwayne Ashford’s room 347, window which appeared was to have posed false actions upon the Terry Dwayne Ashford inside the room. The date of this news is ___________ 2022. photo of Terry Dwayne Ashford can be seen by clicking any one of the three links following: link 1:

link 2:

link 3:

This reporting occurs in lieu of the hotel staff that has been alleged involved in swapping and framing with aim at Terry Dwayne Ashford which occurred we believe at the handshake of a crime aimed at the wrong fucker. Gotta show them something cute.

Friday June 3rd, byline of Terry Dwayne Ashford
Terry Dwayne Ashford ByLine

Photo by Olena Bohovyk for StreetNow Tennis Specifically, Terry Dwayne Ashford

StreetNOW Parent News Site President CEO Terry D. Ashford

Published by TWEET STATION NEWS by TERRY DWAYNE ASHFORD, Washington DC StreetNOW with DatguyRADIO|DatguyTV

Terry dwayne Ashford is the indacarseat DatGuY leading TWEET STATION NEWS, a derivation of StreetNOW, with entities of NEWS, Sports "Tennis Specifically", Fashion, Home Beautiful, and Beau Style by DatgeeTV (DatGuY Television). An entity of TATMedia WilmaWaine Companies, INC; Terry Dwayne Ashford is also your Tennis Specifically Commentator Broadcaster of SNnews Sports "Tennis Specifically".

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