Updated: Maintenance Man Tried Attacking at the Endpoint of the Reporting on Friday, April 22, 2022

Terry Dwayne Ashford


Updated: Maintenance Man Tried Attacking at the Endpoint of the Reporting on Friday, April 22, 2022

This file was updated and even produced in voiceover and failed to show upon review by Terry Dwayne Ashford. This indicates that someone was trying to HIDE the facts of this reporting this morning. And that has failed by Terry Dwayne Ashford’s review process of editorial productions. Streetnow News is delivering this report for a second time in an update that documented that the first one failed having show processing was completed and as planned. So we are looking at falsifying even the data. SNEAK SNEAK and we have handled that obstruction of justice right in their faces.

Terry Dwayne AshfordTerry Dwayne Ashford is the one making this report from room #347 Extended Stay America Hotel Tysons Corner – who Informed the hotel staffer Anya. The information included that it seems that the AFRICAN Maintenance man wants to FIGHT and informed the staffer that he would get exactly that in defense by overstepping the wrong ONE. THAT was informed by Terry Dwayne Ashford to Anya the staffer, in a loud enough nice tone to have been recorded by the recording device. All that was done deliberately sensing the crimes were desperate and more aggressive on that fact. SNEAK SNEAK – Tennis is what you are seeing. And what you are also seeing is Blacks that were supposed to have been used to kill the blacks by the whiter and forced to come up with the goods. BOO!

Credits show in the Youtube Description (https://youtu.be/z4InDV_M7io)

At the endpoint of this mornings report was the maintenance man planted in room 346 to have been screaming and yelling on his phone to some other person on the other end when the phone was on speaker.

Terry Dwayne Ashford asked Kindly if you can hold down just a bit and the maintenance man continued even got louder.

Terry Dwayne Ashford asked again and said he would be reporting it if the maintanence could not hold down the noise that was interrupting the work in room 347. The maintenance man then rolled his eyes at Terry Dwayne Ashford and snarled in a snap when Terry Dwayne Ashford turned around and called down to the front desk to make the report.

That is when the front desk personnel did not answer the phone .


That is when Terry Dwayne Ashford placed on his shoes, walked out of his door room #347 to head to the front desk.

And that is when the maintenance man, the same one that tried with the screw driver, threatened Terry Dwayne Ashford, who walked on pass and arrived at the front desk to speak to Anya, at about 1045.

Informed Anya that the maintenance had just threatened and the voice was deliberately loud enough for speakers of the recording system to hear all that Terry Dwayne Ashford was saying to Anya.

There you would notice the nice tones in the reporting of the so to have been “BAD” event.

The maintenance man scream out of the door of room 346 as Terry Dwayne Ashford walked pass heading down stairs, to the front desk from room #347. While he screamed he also rolled his eyes like sissies of a cat when a cat is backed against the wall. Terry Dwayne Ashford was just passing to go to the front desk.

The maintenance man yelled, ” No one is scared of you. I will Do such and such,” of which Terry Dwayne Ashford heard and ignored and walked on by to have arrived at the front desk within seconds.

There informed was Front Desk Hotel Staff who appeared even involved in the scheme and thought they were bad enough to have done anything that obviously they can’t.

The report verbalized: The maintenance man is following Terry Dwayne Ashford by bringing his crimes and disruptive behavior to Terry Dwayne Ashford’s peaceful and even working locations. Anya was informed that he is threatening while coming near him. The hotel staff was informed of the details of the threat made this morning that documents the screw driver pulled as Terry Dwayne Ashford walked out the door. The hotel staff was informed as if she has to be informed – that all actions by Terry Dwayne Ashford was as it should be professional and done in a professional manner. The man was belligerant to a black male that he would not have been to any other race on his own RACE. And that was handled without FEAR that the criminals thought would be pursued.

As usual when such reports are made, the criminal maintenance man comes down the elevator opposite the one that Terry Dwayne Ashford had just gotten on – even that appears in a scheme of timing that would pose the Maintenance Man as Terry Dwayne Ashford doing the reporting of him. The swap was to be the image at the elevator which was to have been opposite of the other inside of the camera behind the desk that they knew Terry Dwayne Ashford was relying upon to capture the scheme.

In the hallway at 1115 aftersward is the loud sounds of the same maintenance man having come back and we aren’t afraid of such monkeys of even AFRICA! SNEAK SNEAK

Reporting is Terry Dwayne Ashford of Room #347, Extended Stay America Hotel Tysons Corner – and that was reported loud enough that the report could be documented by the recording devices at the front desk to Anya.

One notable incident was the African walking towards Terry Dwayne Ashford after getting off the elevator when Terry Dwayne Ashford got off of the elevator upon seeing his arrival at the timed dead end of the reporting to Anya. THE swap was not going to happen was the message – that Terry dwayne Ashford intended to send, by getting off of the elevator that the maintenance man thought was to have been the source of the swapping of the image. The maintenance then recouped by walked towards Terry Dwayne Ashford and passing after he saw that the elevator crime had failed. The maintenance man then walked passed Terry Dwayne Ashford, in front of the same camera between Terry Dwayne Ashford and the desk where the report was made to Anya. And that appears to have been recuperation from the swap in the elevator that had failed. Today Friday it was by any means necessary, and that prompted the persistence and the aggression of the African Maintenance who saw we were ready . The walking pass was to have recovered his failed attempt to be swapped using the elevator. And that walking towards was supposed to have been aggression in fight tones and stances, which the would be seen in the video surveillance.

StreetNOW Parent News Site President CEO Terry D. Ashford


Published by TWEET STATION NEWS by TERRY DWAYNE ASHFORD, Washington DC StreetNOW with DatguyRADIO|DatguyTV

Terry dwayne Ashford is the indacarseat DatGuY leading TWEET STATION NEWS, a derivation of StreetNOW, with entities of NEWS, Sports "Tennis Specifically", Fashion, Home Beautiful, and Beau Style by DatgeeTV (DatGuY Television). An entity of TATMedia WilmaWaine Companies, INC; Terry Dwayne Ashford is also your Tennis Specifically Commentator Broadcaster of SNnews Sports "Tennis Specifically".

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